Friday, November 12, 2010

New York City Residential Sprinkler Inspections


Private Residential Dwellings intended for occupancy by no more than 2 families are required to self maintain their sprinkler systems in perfect working order. There are no specific requirements for this group.

Multiple Residential Dwelling Units of 3 or more independent residences are required to perform both a monthly and an annual inspection. Once in five years, the annual inspection must be witnessed by a fire department representative.

Monthly tests must be performed by a person certified by the FDNY or licensed by the Dept of Buildings as a Fire Suppression Contractor. Systems with no more than 30 sprinkler heads may be inspected by a Dept of Buildings Licensed Master Plumber. Inspections may be performed by the owner or by a competent person on behalf of the owner by obtaining a FDNY F-95 Certificate of Fitness for the inspection of a residential sprinkler system.

New York City Residential Sprinkler Test Requirements

Residential Sprinkler Flow Test Report Form

Any questions? Call our sponsoring New York City licensed professional at Barone Plumbing 212-722-4666 414 East 116th St, NY 10029 Lic#824